Apr 22, 2020

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule

Welcome to TravelOn. In this post I will share "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”. if you need, please read to the end of the article. Enjoy your vacation and your unforgettable experience. 

Ghorepani Poon hill trek is prescribed to those individuals who have a short occasion to Nepal. This trek should be possible in 2 days, 3 days, 4 days or 5 days. In the event that you have a couple of days more, you can add to visit a natural aquifer and trek through Landruk and finishes in Phedi. 

By reading this article about "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”,you can see that Poon hill trek is short and simple trekking in the Annapurna locale Nepal. It is a perfect trekking goal for the novices, family, old and understudies. Guests with multi week occasion for Nepal or even not exactly seven days can do this trek. 

By reading this article about "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”,you can see that Ghorepani Poon hill trek is one of the busiest trekking courses in the Annapurna trekking locale. As indicated by your time limit, you can complete 2 days poon hill trek, 3 days poon hill trek, 4 days poon hill trek, 5 days poon hill trek or a couple of days longer. 

Ghorepani Poon hill trek starts with a drive to Nayapul from Pokhara. By reading this article about "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”,you can see that there are open and private transportation accessible in Pokhara. It takes around 2 hrs to drive to Nayapul then treks to Tikhedhunga or Ulleri on the primary day passing Birethanti, Sudame, and Hile towns. 

2 Days Poon Hill Trek 

For the 2 days poon hill trek, you will drive direct to Ulleri and stroll around 4 hrs around the same time when you left Pokhara. You will go through a night in Ghorepani then visit Poon hill perspective the following morning and trek back to Ulleri or Nayapul and drive back to Pohara. 

2 Days Poon Hill Trek Schedule 

Day 01: Drive from Pokhara to Ulleri and trek to Ghorepani (2850m) 

You will drive with a private jeep from Pohara to Ulleri direct or by a vehicle to Nayapul then take a sharing jeep to Ulleri early today. You have to begin early morning today around 7 am and reach Ulleri by noon. Subsequent to eating here in Ulleri, you will trek around 4 hrs all the more passing Banthanti town and trek through a thick timberland to Ghorepani abandoning Nangethanti. You will go through your night in Ghorepani today. 

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule

Day 02: Climb to Poon hill (3210m) 1 hrs and trek back to Ulleri (3hrs) or Nayapul (6 hrs) 

You will climb up to Poon Hill in the early morning with an electric lamp to see the dawn and the staggering Himalayan perspective on Dhaulagiri and Annapurna run. It is around an hour climb for moderate trekkers and it is conceivable to do in a thirty minutes on the off chance that you walk somewhat quick. You will appreciate unblocking dawn with the perspective on Dhaulagiri and Annapurna massif from Poon hill and climb back to the cabin. You will eat here and trek back a similar method to Ulleri. On the off chance that you think the climb is sufficient, you can drive again from Ulleri to Pokhara or on the off chance that you might want to climb a couple of more hours, you can trek to Nayapul and take a drive to Pokhara. 


3 Days Poon Hill Trek 

Ghorepani Poon hill trek 3 days schedule is a trek with less surge. You will drive to Nayapul and trek to Ulleri on the principal day. In the wake of going through a night in Ulleri, you will trek to Ghorepani, appreciate the view from Poon hill and trek back to Hile on the subsequent day. On the third day, you will trek to Nayapul and drive back to Pokhara. 

3 Days Poon Hill Trek Agenda 

Day 01: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and Trek to Ulleri 

You will drive with private vehicle or open vehicle toward the beginning of the day from Pokhara to Nayapul today. By reading this article about "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”,you can see that subsequent to getting off from the vehicle in Nayapul, you will begin your trekking venture towards Ulleri crossing Modi stream in Birethanti and follow Bhurungdi waterway. You will see a few farmlands along the path today. Passing Hile town and Tikhedhunga, you have soak part with loads of stone advances which takes you 90 minutes to 2 hrs to reach Ulleri. You will go through your first night here in Ulleri. 

Day 02: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani 

After your morning meal in the hotel in Ulleri, you start your trek towards Ghorepani at the beginning of today. With step by step rising path to Banthanti, you enter inside the woods and trek through to Nangethanti. Here, you will eat and trek one more hour to Ghorepani and remain medium-term. 

Day 03: Climb to Poon Hill and Trek to Hile 

This is the primary day that you will have an incredible view from Poon hill. You will climb to Poon Hill in the early morning with an electric lamp. Climb to Poon Hill from Ghorepani takes most extreme an hour for the moderate climber may take just a 30 minutes. You will appreciate with unblocking dawn and the extraordinary perspective on the Himalayas from Poon hill station. After Poon Hill, you will climb back Ghorepani and eat then trek back to Nayapul following a similar path and drive back to Pokhara. 

4 Days Poon Hill Trek 

4 Days Poon hill trek is great just because trekkers, family and old. This agenda is loose and adaptable. 4 days Poon hill trek schedule additionally begins with private or neighborhood transport to Nayapul from Pokhara. 

After a drive to Nayapul, the trek begins from here to Birethanti where the Annapurna preservation region begins. Furthermore, following Bhurungdi waterway passing some cascade, farmlands and towns. You will go through the main night in Ulleri then trek to Ghorepani, visit Poon hill and trek back to Nayapul in 2 days and drive to Pokhara. 

4 Days Poon Hill trek Schedule 

Day 01: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and Trek to Ulleri 

You will drive with private or open vehicle at the beginning of today from Pokhara to Nayapul. It is around 2 hrs drive at that point trek begins. You will reach Birethanti following a 30 minutes trek from Nayapul and registration your trekking allow and follow Bhurungdi stream to go to Ulleri. You will go through the primary night here appreciating the perspective on green hills, valleys and the mountains. 

Day 02: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani 

After breakfast in your cabin, you will begin the trek towards Ghorepani. Trekking on the slowly climbing trail, you will reach Banthanti then enter the timberland. You will trek through the woods for around 3 hrs passing a little spot Nangethanti before coming to Ghorepani. 

Day 03: Climb to Poon Hill and Trek to Hile 

You will climb in the early morning with an electric lamp to Poon hill for the wonderful dawn. It takes about an hour for more slow climbers and about a thirty minutes for the individuals who climb quick. You will appreciate the dawn, Dhaulagiri and Annapurna massif from Poon hill at that point climb back to Ghorepani for breakfast. After breakfast, you will trek back a similar method to hile and go through a night here. 

Day 04: Trek from Hile to Nayapul and Drive to Pokhara 

This is your briefest day trek of Ghorepani Poon hill trek. You just trek around 3 to 4 hrs on a level part to Nayapul where you can take a vehicle to Pokhara. 

On the other hand, you can make a circuit with 4 days Poon hill trek schedule going to Ghandruk from Ghorepani in a single day which may be a difficult day. See here a diagram agenda of 4 days Ghorepani Ghandruk circuit trek. 

Day 01: Drive to Nayapul from Pokhara and Trek to Ulleri 

Day 02: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani 

Day 03: Climb to Poon hill and trek to Ghandruk 

Day 04: Trek from Ghandruk to Nayapul and Drive to Pokhara 

5 Days Poon Hill Trek 

5 Days Ghorepani Poon hill trek is one of the renowned trekking schedules. It is otherwise called Ghorepani Ghandruk circuit trek. This is an exemplary trekking agenda which is following by the vast majority of the trekkers. This is an ideal trekking agenda for the individuals who have multi week to 10 days occasion in Nepal. 

5 Days Poon hill trek agenda additionally begins with a drive to Nayapul and closures at a similar spot subsequent to making a circle. The trek goes to Ulleri, Ghorepani, Tadapani, Ghandruk or Syauli Bazaar and joins back in Nayapul in 5 days. 

5 Days Poon Hill Trek Agenda 

Day 01: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and trek to Ulleri 

You will drive from Pokhara toward the beginning of the day with private vehicle from your lodging or open vehicle from Baglungbuspark. A drive around two hrs takes to you to Nayapul from where your trek begins. You will reach Birethanti in the wake of strolling a thirty minutes from Nayapul from here the Annapurna protection region begins. After registration your license here in Birethanti, you trek towards Ulleri following Bhurungdi stream, passing some pleasant towns and farmlands. 

Day 02: Trek from Ulleri to Ghorepani 

You will have your morning meal in your cabin in Ulleri and start the trek with a continuous rise to Banthanti. After Banthanti, you will trek through a thick backwoods of rhododendron, pine, oak and different trees around 3 hrs to Ghorepani. Ghorepani is the principle intersection to go to Jomsom Muktinath trek, Annapurna base camp trek and Ghandruk circuit trek. Along these lines, you will see several trekkers in this spot. 

Day 03: Climb to Poon hill and trek to Tadapani 

Today, you climb to Poon Hill in the early morning before sunshine. You have to utilize your electric lamp toward the beginning of today. Climbing to Poon Hill is about an hour from where you will see unblocking dawn and wonderful perspective on Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalaya. In the wake of appreciating the view from Poon Hill, you will climb back to Ghorepani and eat. At that point trek goes to Tadapani following the oppositive hill of Poon hill. You climb a hill from Ghorepani about an hour and slip 2 additional hours to Banthanti and trek one more hour to Tadapani. 

Day 04: Trek from Tadapani to Syauli Bazaar 

You will appreciate another dawn from Tadaani in the first part of the day with a lovely perspective on the Himalaya and eat. After your morning meal, you start your trek through the timberland to Ghandruk. Ghandruk is the greatest Gurung town. Here, you will stop for lunch or you may go through a night. On the off chance that you stop for lunch here, you will trek another 2 hrs downwards to Syauli Bazaar. 

Day 05: Trek from Syauli Bazaar to Nayapul and Drive to Pokhara 

This is your last day trek of the Ghorepani Poon hill. You just trek around 2 hrs on a level part to Nayapul. You will join the path what you passed on the primary day in Birethanti today. The trek finishes in Nayapul and returns a drive to Pokhara. 

By reading this article about "Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Schedule”,you can see that Ghorepani Poon hill trek is prescribed to those individuals who have a short occasion to Nepal. This trek should be possible in 2 days, 3 days, 4 days or 5 days.
